What are your internet fun finds?

Posted 11/22/22

[email protected] With all the seriousness in the news, sometimes we just need to take a few minutes to have fun. Take the time to escape to a place that makes us smile or relax. That is the …

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What are your internet fun finds?


[email protected]

With all the seriousness in the news, sometimes we just need to take a few minutes to have fun. Take the time to escape to a place that makes us smile or relax. That is the point of this quick-hitting blurb: something I found entertaining. YouTube channels, websites, shows, games, whatever makes me smile this week. I will try to find family-friendly content for all ages. This may be a weekly thing if I get a list going, or if you, the reader, sends me things to share. Today, I thought it would be fun to share with you… Jared Halley Music (JMH) -www.youtube.com/c/Jared-HalleyMusic JHM looks to compose his own acapella arrangements of a variety of popular songs and artists. Queen, Imagine Dragons, video game music, etcetera. I did not discover anything with explicit lyrics, but he has a lot of content on his page, and I have not made it through it all and it is a fun listening experience.

If you have an idea for an internet fun find, shoot me an email at [email protected] news and I will check it out!