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This past weekend, I was proud to stand with United Auto Workers in Hudson, who are among those striking for fair wages and better working conditions. I was inspired and galvanized to be there as … more
It’s a good week, celebrating two of my favorite things: National Newspaper Week and National 4-H Week. And last week was National Coffee Day. Wow, a hat trick for me! I was a shy seventh … more
Nearly 220 million American adults turn to their local newspapers regularly for news and information they need to stay informed, feel more connected to their neighbors and improve their lives and … more
Did you know that the word squash comes from the Narragansett Native American word askutasquash, which means “eaten raw or uncooked?” And did you know there are more than 100 … more
Almost 100 years ago famous Nobel Prize winner for fiction Sinclair Lewis wrote home from Europe an essay for his high school yearbook he entitled “The Long Arm of the Small Town,” in … more
The most common question I get as a state legislator is “Can’t you all just work together?” In this terribly divided country we’re living in, that’s a big ask. But … more
Every night I swear I’m going to go to bed early, but when that early bedtime rolls around, my eyes are wide open, my brain is clipping along a mile a minute and even though I feel mentally and … more
My simple, practical mother loved idioms. They say much in few words. Her favorite observation of professional and political idiocy was that the actors were taking us “to hell in a … more
The turn of summer into fall isn’t an overnight makeover but more like the gradual creation of an autumnal artist. It starts subtly with splotches of yellows, oranges and reds dotting the … more
With the state budget passed into law, which funds many priorities essential to the 93rd Assembly District, like fixing our roads, job training, and increasing resources for our community … more
It was the best of inns; it was the worst of inns, two hostelries where we had to bed down as we recently traveled the upper Midwest. Let’s start with the best place to go in our entire … more
Farming has made such great contributions to the culture and history of our state, we sometimes forget that Wisconsin is still an agricultural powerhouse. In fact, agriculture and related industries … more
Impeachment proceedings have become commonplace in our country's political landscape nowadays. I think we all can assume the founders of our country knew human nature – they know people and … more
By the title of this column, you might think I’m going to regale you with a magical tale about a mystical castle in a faraway land. But I’m not. Strap on your boots, because instead … more
Gambling is ubiquitous in our world today but farmers have been high rollers long before casinos, lotteries and sports betting. From market price fluctuation, geo-politics and the ever-changing … more
I’m fortunate to have my weekly column adjacent on the op-ed page to the column by my boss, Sarah Nigbor, a very talented young woman who is not only an excellent editor, but a fine … more
In Wisconsin last year there were 905 suicides, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. With September designated as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we all … more
My, how times have changed. School Picture Day, at least in my household, is not something to be dreaded, but something that requires careful preparation and brings joy. When I was young, I would … more
Signs abound: campaign 2024 in Wisconsin has already begun. Note these recent news items: -- Joe Biden's reelection campaign is launching a new TV ad in Wisconsin that … more
One of the staple events during farm shows is the milking contest, usually pitting some local celebrity against another stripping milk from a cow’s udder. The rules vary, but the winner is … more
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