At times, an apology is enough

Posted 12/7/22

LETTER to the Editor To the editor: I read with great dismay an editorial in the December 1 Journal strongly stating that an apology from Mark Zuzek is not enough. The writer further eluded, quite …

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At times, an apology is enough


LETTER to the Editor

To the editor:

I read with great dismay an editorial in the December 1 Journal strongly stating that an apology from Mark Zuzek is not enough. The writer further eluded, quite eloquently, to Mark considering resigning his school board position. It pains me to use the words “cancel culture” but I believe we need to end that mentality and behavior. It’s time to stop the desire to ‘cancel’ those who make mistakes or have views different than our own. I don’t know Mark well and disagree with a few things he supports. I suspect his infraction was clearly a mistake that has impacted him more than any of us can know. Making mistakes does not take away Mark’s extensive knowledge and experience in the local educational system that resulted in his election win. I believe we ought to not allow the court of public opinion to try this case in regard to his seat on the school board. Allow the legal system to take its course, the voting process to work, then let’s see where things fall in the next school board election. Keep in mind, we humans make mistakes we regret and we can’t expect perfection in those who serve us. The sole person in history that was perfect, without fault and made not a single mistake was crucified… Sometimes a contrite apology is enough for those of us outside the legal system.

Terry Baker