Ellsworth Senior Center begins December

Posted 12/4/24

The Ellsworth Senior Center would like to invite all senior citizens age 50 and greater to the following events to be held at the senior center:

Come and join the  Pool Players  from …

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Ellsworth Senior Center begins December


The Ellsworth Senior Center would like to invite all senior citizens age 50 and greater to the following events to be held at the senior center:

Come and join the Pool Players from 1-4 p.m. every Monday and Friday. 

Game Day: From 103 p.m. Dec. 3, we will gather for fun and group games. Share your afternoon and chase away cabin fever. Held the first Tuesday of each month.

Discovering Together Tuesday will be held at 11 a.m. Dec. 10 at the Ellsworth Senior Center. Join us for our annual holiday social. We'll play games, craft, sing festive songs and enjoy each other's company. We'll also enjoy a luncheon together sponsored by the Ellsworth Senior Center and the Friends of the Ellsworth Public Library.

Euchre Card Players will meet at 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12 and Thursday, Dec. 26. Beginners are welcome and encouraged to come.

Our Balanced Wellness Presentation with CJ Young will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18. CJ will bring along her Tanita computer to read our personal Body Composition Readings following her presentation. We will also be doing some group exercises to help maintain our balance and strength.

Celebrating Seniors Gathering will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 18. We will be entertained by some of the St. Francis Elementary youth as they perform music from their Christmas Cantata. We welcome you to bring some Christmas goodies to share following the performance. Please note that it isn’t the normal day - last Wednesday - as that is Christmas Day.

Katrina will be providing Foot Care for a fee on Tuesday, Dec. 31 (eight-week) beginning at 8:30 a.m. Please call the Senior Center for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Unless otherwise stated, all events are at the Ellsworth Senior Center, located at English Lutheran Church (229 W. Main St.)

Submitted by Activities Director Janelle Braund

Ellsworth Senior Center, seniors, activities, Ellsworth, Wisconsin