Letter to the editor: Van Orden is Putin's idiot

Posted 4/23/24

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first name: Jo

last name: Haberman

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Letter to the editor: Van Orden is Putin's idiot


To the editor,

Derrick Van Oren is Vladimir Putin’s useful idiot.

Van Orden voted against funding for Ukraine, which means he voted against the best interests of the United States of America.

Putin loves idiots like Van Orden.

Loves having Van Orden on Russia’s side.

But western Wisconsin does not love or need Putin’s idiots.

Vote hm out – get rid of Van Orden. Elect a new leader to Congress on Nov. 5 who won’t betray us.

Katrina Shankland is ready to lead – she will stand up and fight for the United States of America. She will never be Putin’s idiot.


Jo Haberman

Maiden Rock

Derrick Van Orden, Vladimir Putin, Katrina Shankland, 3rd Congressional District, Wisconsin, politics, November election, letters