Letter to the editor: Energy costs are hurting families

Posted 11/30/23

The following information was submitted to the letter to the editor information form on www.piercecountyjournal.news:

first name: Maxx

last name: Beeler

address: 124 E Cascade Ave

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Letter to the editor: Energy costs are hurting families


To the editor,

Folks across Wisconsin, especially small farmers, are displeased with the current administration's attack on our nation’s energy sector.

Energy independence not only serves our country's economic and national security interests, but also unleashes the innovative and productive forces of Wisconsin’s vital agricultural industry.

Wisconsin’s agriculture industry is massive, contributing $104.8 billion annually to our state’s economy. To plant, harvest, and process, you need diesel. The current administration’s policies have caused a 150% increase in transportation diesel costs.

Congressional candidates like Rebecca Cooke have offered zero solutions to skyrocketing energy costs that are hurting middle class families and killing the American Dream. Instead, she’s mimicked the current administration's approach, focusing on radical Green New Deal policies.

As we approach next year’s election, it is essential we support leaders who prioritize lowering energy prices. That is why I’m for Congressman Derrick Van Orden, who supports legislation like the Lower Energy Costs Act, which helps lower gas prices by ending our reliance on foreign powers for energy.

Maxx Beeler

River Falls

letters to the editor, energy costs, opinion