Letter to the editor: Vote YES on Feb. 20

Posted 2/6/24

The following information was submitted to the letter to the editor information form on www.piercecountyjournal.news:

first name: Tom

last name: Westerhaus

address: 323 Empire Builder …

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Letter to the editor: Vote YES on Feb. 20


To the editor,

I have been retired as superintendent for the School District of River Falls for the past 11 years, but we have remained living in the district because of its high quality education and outstanding staff, as well as the community's support for maintaining a thriving place to live and work that promotes education and sustainability for generations to come.

While I don't have grandchildren in the district, I care deeply about all levels of education here for its importance to democracy and a better way of life.

I am voting YES YES on the district's referendum on Feb. 20 and ask you to consider doing the same. The current school board and Superintendent Benson are fiscally responsible, transparent, and trustworthy. I believe they have pared back any extras and only seek approval for necessary operating expenses and building upgrades.

The state funding formula penalizes well-run districts like River Falls, resulting in our district receiving significantly less revenues per student for education than our neighboring districts. This discrepancy requires the district to seek your support for the referendum to maintain the highest level of learning that River Falls has always demanded for its students of any age.

Mulitple opportunities exist for you to learn more. I encourage you to attend a public meeting or check out the district's website for full and honest information. Then, please join my wife and me on Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024, in casting your ballot for both referendum questions! Your support matters!

Tom Westerhaus


River Falls School District, facilities referendum, operating referendum, Feb. 20, voting, River Falls, Wisconsin, letters