Move over Tang—let’s bring some real zest to life!

Posted 1/7/25

RIVER FALLS – The Shift Matters, a local women-owned business, is offering a new Squeeze the Juice Life Design Course for women in their third chapter.

This course is for Generation X …

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Move over Tang—let’s bring some real zest to life!


RIVER FALLS – The Shift Matters, a local women-owned business, is offering a new Squeeze the Juice Life Design Course for women in their third chapter.

This course is for Generation X women who are moving beyond full-time work, or have already done so, and want to rewrite the rules. For more information is available at

Four 90-minute classes will be held, in partnership with River Falls Community Education, from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Jan. 21 and 28 and Feb. 4 and 18 at River Falls High School (818 Cemetery Road). Cost is $35; seats are limited.

The Shift Matters mission is to offer Gen Xers a modern approach to navigating new territory.

Submitted by Juli Okal

The Shift Matters, Squeeze the Juice, Life Design Course, Generation X women, River Falls Community Education, River Falls, Wisconsin